Thursday, November 9, 2017


The importance of  Parenting Education  for today's Parents - Education starts from the family. The family is the first place for the formation and education of the child. Parents and the school's first home was known to the child, because the role of the elderly here is very important.  Through the orangtualah the children will learn about the values and norms before the child enters preschool level, i.e. the OLD education or elementary school education. Parents should have a provision regarding a wide range of information about your child's education.

Parents must provide a minimal model is good for his children, because early childhood is a great imitator. Children will learn through imitation stages namely mimic. What is seen and heard to be imitated by children.  So parents need to be more careful in their behaviour or words. 

Therefore, Parenting education is the right method for the elderly in the formation of character. Parenting here not just parenting, however parents must educate, guide and protect every child's development. Educarion parenting itself has the sense that is parenting education program conducted by the institutions to improve the quality and the achievement of vision and kepengasuhan. The benefits derived from the parenting education i.e. Add insight and knowledge of the elderly in terms of child care in accordance with the age, character and its development. Parenting education has three objectives, namely:

1. Raise awareness of the elderly parent should have the awareness that parenting should not be indiscriminate. In parenting, required a wide range of knowledge.  Parents should not be random in providing nurturing in children. Parenting is not just meet his needs only.  Parents should be aware of if you don't have a lot of knowledge in terms of parenting, then it should be learned by someone more expert as an expert on parenting. Because in parenting is not only based on the experience of other people such as parents, in-laws, siblings or neighbors. Because of the boy's character essentially different so in terms of parenting must also be different.

2. Improve the knowledge and skills of older people in terms of parenting in the process of upbringing, parents must first understand about parenting is good for his son.  It is important that the process of nurturing character, in accordance with the age and development of the child.  Thus, the existence of parenting education is certainly going to make parents better understand how good parenting.

3. Bring together the interests and desire of the parties between family and school

The goal of parenting education is to meet the interests and wishes of the family and the school. For example, if school children are taught independent attitude and discipline, then the home of parents also have to implement it.

Objectives of the activities of parenting education is parents, teachers, parents who have a child but have not get OLD and education services, college students, and prospective parents. So the role of parenting education is not only reserved for parents who already have children, unless the student or prospective parents is also important to gain knowledge about parenting education as a lunchbox in caregiving the child later. In parenting education activities there are several programs held such OLD school/institution:

1. Group Group parent parent here is used as a container of communication between parents and other families to obtain various kinds of information on parenting and child development.

2. Open the Gathering activities of this gathering is on open meetings with the parents to discuss the OLD institution regarding school programs.

3. The involvement of parents with children in the classroom program and parenting, parents must be directly involved in the learning process of the child. Thus, parents will find out the model of the given learning teachers as well as knowing the development and activities of children in schools at the time.

4. Involvement of parents at a joint event in addition to the classroom, parents should also participate in the event jointly held by the school. The event usually involves older people like appearance at the Summit theme, eating together, performing arts, visits etc.

5. Deliver advice in ways that attract the 5 Tricks i.e. give advice on a child with a good and interesting ways, such as giving advice through fairy tales or stories her own bouquet.

6. Teach children to not harbored his own his emotions

There are small children must be taught to recognize and express something that feels. This way the children will make for a more familiar with the father, mother or closest people deemed to be trusted.

7. Teach children the values of religion and moral in everyday lehidupan Although children have not veiled, parents should have to gradually teach religion and morals every day to the children. Parents should teach children the moral and religious pembelelajaran there is small, so that children know the importance of religion and morals for his life as well as being able to practice it.

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